snow ermine, indian, native american, leather, furs, leather clothing, buck skin, baskets, bead work, beading, leather work, art, leather art,skull painting, spinning, wool, handspun, pine needle, baby shoes, moccasins, hand spun
About Cheryl
snow ermine, indian, native american, leather, furs, leather clothing, buck skin, baskets, bead work, beading, leather work, art, leather art,skull painting, spinning, wool, handspun, pine needle, baby shoes, moccasins, hand spun
Cheryl     I am Cheryl, a Great Grandmother of Two, Grandmother of Nine and the Mother of Three. I love spinning wool, silk and other natural fibers. I enjoy taking raw fleece and processing it into beautiful things. I knit and weave with hand spun as well as other yarns. I enjoy designing patterns for knitting as well as my leather work. I enjoy going to Museums and giving spinning and weaving demonstrations. For these I wear period cloths, buckskins or regular jeans as the event calls for. Another one of my joys is teaching the fiber arts. I enjoy teaching spinning, weaving, fiber processing and leather crafts.
hangtown, spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, crafts, basket, pine needle
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| Baby Shoes | Handspun Wollens | About Cheryl

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